Minibus and van rental terms and conditions

Daily rate

A day is considered as 24 hours since the beginning of the vehicle rental period. The minimum charged rental period for a vehicle is 24 hours.

Refundable deposit

A refundable deposit will be collected in cash or by card-blocking at the payment terminal prior to renting the vehicle and subsequently returned upon handover - return of the car. The deposit is not the payment for renting the vehicle. The lessor can use the deposit for covering costs incurred by breaching the rental contract (eg. not refueling, additional mileage above the daily or monthly mileage limit, heavy vehicle contamination, interior damage, costs not covered by the insurance company ...).Refundable deposit does not apply to replacement cars.

Documents required

The necessary documents must be submitted before the vehicle is rented at latest. In case of car delivery it is necessary to send the documents at least 3 hours before the rent to email:, otherwise the vehicle will not be handed over in time. Copies of documents will be compared with original documents!

Necessary documents for individuals

  • Valid ID copy (or passport)
  • Copy of valid driver’s license

Necessary documents for a legal entity

  • Valid ID copy (or passport)
  • Valid driver’s license copy
  • Valid trade license copy
  • Valid certificate of incorporation copy
  • Valid VAT payer certificate

Necessary documents for foreigners

  • Valid passport copy, we do not accept other identification documents
  • Valid driver’s license copy
  • Residence permit for the Czech Republic


Vehicle rent payment: Always in advance before the car is handed over. !!! In case of long-term lease the client pays monthly and always in advance.

in cash during handover: the client pays the rent in cash during the vehicle handover

by credit card upon handover of the car: the client can pay by credit card during the handover of the car, but in such a case the car rental price will be increased by the card payment fee - approximately 3 to 4% depending on the card type. Card payment must be reported in advance

by bank transfer: payment by bank transfer always happens in advance, meaning that the car rental payment must be credited to our account no later than one day before the vehicle is to be rented.

Rental contract

The rental contract is concluded for a definite period of time, starting on the date of its signature. The rental contract expires upon expiry of the agreed rental period. The rental period may be extended no later than 24 hours before the expiry of the period for which the rental agreement was originally agreed and the lessor then confirms the extension. In such a case, the client will retain all the terms and conditions of the car rental contract.

If the vehicle is rented for a period longer than one month, the car rental is due immediately upon signing the contract and for the next month it is always on the 1st day of the month. The Client is obliged to return the vehicle, including all accessories, documents and keys, at the time and place specified in the contract and in the condition in which it was received, taking into account normal wear and tear.

The vehicle owner may immediately withdraw from the contract in the event of non-payment of any claim or timely return of the car and immediately take steps leading to the recovery of the vehicle or payment of the amount due, including a task force unit intervention, which will perform necessary action directly on the spot.

If the rental agreement is signed before the vehicle is rented out, the owner guarantees the car's reservation starting on the day the rental period is to begin. If the client terminates this contract before the rental begins or does not pick up the vehicle, the rental will be charged as if the car was picked up and used.The Client is obliged to notify the owner of any change of residence, company or registered office of the company, or other changes that could affect the proper fulfillment of the obligations arising from this rental agreement.The Client acknowledges the possible change in the rent price of the vehicle due to unforeseen changes in costs, in particular insurance, road taxes, etc. Terms of use

Only the persons specified in the rental agreement can use and drive the rented vehicle. The client is obliged to comply with all applicable regulations, especially the rules of road traffic, and to act in such a way as to prevent damage to property or health. The client agrees to pay penalties for offenses demonstrably committed by him at the time of renting the vehicle. These have to be payed 15 days after the delivery of the owner’s request for payment. The client may not drive the car after consuming alcohol, narcotics, drugs or other substances that may affect the perception and responsiveness of the person or let such a person drive the vehicle. The client is not allowed to participate in car races, competitions and similar events. The car is exclusively used on ordinary roads. Driving on public or closed circuits is not permitted. Violation of this regulation is punishable by a financial penalty of CZK 50,000. Furthermore, the vehicle must not be used to push or tow vehicles, trailers or other objects and to make any changes or modifications to the vehicle. The client is obliged to secure the vehicle against theft, misuse or damage. In particular, after parking, the client must not  leave the keys, documents and removable front panel of the radio in the vehicle and must lock the car properly.

The owner is entitled to request access to the vehicle for the purpose of checking that the client uses it properly in accordance with the terms of the rental agreement.

Owner pays the cost of repairs, except when the need for repair is due to improper use of the vehicle (damage to discs, tires, damage to the chassis,…) or when the use was in violation with the normal use of the vehicle, or when the conditions of this agreement are violated either by client or people whom the client gave access to the vehicle.

The client is obliged to notify the owner without delay of any defects that appear on the vehicle during use and require repair. If the Client fails to fulfill this obligation, the client is responsible for damages caused thereby and loses any of his/her claims due to the impossibility or limited possibility of using the thing for defects.

Violation of any of these obligations is a substantial breach of the rental agreement and makes the client fully responsible for the damages incurred.

When renting a vehicle for a long period of time, the client is obliged to present the vehicle once a month to check the technical condition of the vehicle, or to allow its routine maintenance. If the service time exceeds 24 hours, the client is entitled to a replacement car during the service period. If the rental agreement stipulates that the vehicle must be serviced after certain mileage or a certain speedometer level, the client is obliged to present the vehicle for inspection, if not, is liable for any damage to the owner’s party incurred in connection with non-compliance with these conditions of use of the vehicle. At the same time, the client is obliged to pay the mileage exceeded over the monthly limit for a surcharge according to the valid car rental price list.


The price of the car rental includes statutory insurance, accident insurance with limited liability for damages caused by own fault (10% coinsurance, min. CZK 10,000, windscreen insurance) and theft insurance (10% coinsurance, min. 10,000, - CZK). The client is fully liable to the owner for damages incurred to the vehicle during the period between handover of the vehicle to the client and its acceptance by the owner. Costs for damages of up to 10% coinsurance, min. 10.000, - CZK are paid by the client. Any damage, destruction or permanent soiling which is not covered by the car insurance is paid by the client in the full amount of the repair. !!! In case of intentional damage the penalty for the intentional damage is applied is in the amount of the refundable deposit plus full amount of the repair - replacement of the damaged parts...!!

Accident, damage and theft of the vehicle

In the event of a car accident, damage or theft of a car or its parts (regardless of whether the client is at fault or not), the client is obliged to call the POLICE to investigate the accident and to issue a confirmation to the client, which the client is obliged to hand over to the owner. The client is obliged to notify the owner within 24 hours of any damage event related to the rented vehicle, including information about where the vehicle is located and to ensure that the keys and documentation related to the vehicle are immediately forwarded to the owner. The immobile vehicle must be secured against further damage or theft. In the event of an accident, it is mandatory to fill out the "Traffic Accident Record Sheet"! It was handed over along with the documents to the car when signing the contract and then it is necessary to report the damage to the relevant insurance company. ALLIANZ a.s. tel- 00420 241 170 000 send the insured event number and report from the insurance company to e-mail

Driving restrictions

In the event of a trip abroad, a power of attorney is required for the contract regarding driving abroad and thereby it is necessary to report in advance in which countries the car will be located.

Driving restrictions may apply to a trip to former Yugoslavia (except Croatia, Slovenia), former Soviet Union, Albania, Macedonia, see - RENTAL CONTRACT .. !!

Delivering and picking up your vehicle

You will pick up the rented car in Chráštany by Prague at the AUTO RUDNÁ s.r.o. And here you will also return it according to the contract on the number of rental days. Delivery of the vehicle to a specific location is only possible only after an agreement between the two parties.


Fuel is not included in the rental price of the car. Vehicles are always rented with a full tank and also returned with a full tank. The client will be charged a fee for non-fuel refilling according to the valid car rental price list. Assistance service: The rental price includes an assistance service that provides roadside service including mechanic, towing service and delivery of a replacement car within 24 hours in case of an accident not caused by you. In case of an accident or defect caused by you, the assistance service is charged.

Protection of personal data

The client confirms that he / she is aware of his / her rights related to the protection of personal data arising from generally binding regulations, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On Personal Data Protection, as amended. The client understands that the data on his person, which the owner acquired from him in connection with the conclusion of the rental contract, shall be kept in the records for as long as required by generally binding legal regulations and for as long as it is necessary for the protection of the owner's interest, and that such data will be used by the owner solely for the purpose of securing his / her needs, in particular for the purpose of managing the contract, offering other services or recovering claims from the client, while some of these listed services can be provided by third parties for the owner

Contact form

Do you want to rent a quality and reliable utility vehicle or just need advice? Contact us quickly and easily via the contact form. We are always here for you!